Hey Merci Roams ~ Community Coaching Program

With so much happening in the world, everyday life can feel heavy.

And isolating.

Who do you talk to? Share your stuff with? Unload your crap?

Hey Merci Co Roams offers our space, our attention and our experience to help you lighten your load.

Merci 🚐 was specifically designed for coaching and with an experienced life coach on board and wheels to get us anywhere, Merci & Elle now park up at different Fleurieu locations to offer a safe space for coaching, but with a twist.

Elle offers ‘side by side’ coaching where you can choose an activity to do while you’re talking. This coaching approach is based on the science of Effort Driven Reward Cycle which are big words to explain that the brain works better when you’re using your hands. 👏🏻

The activities on offer are walking / hiking / swimming / colouring / drawing / knitting and crocheting. (Choose when you book💜)

If this does not float your boat, no stress, let’s just chat over a cuppa.

Oh also, you get to choose how much you pay for your session.

We offer a scale of $20 ~ $100 for an hour. 

Bank Transfer or cash accepted.

Keen to jump into Merci for some space and time?

We’re open Tuesdays 10am – 4pm, location TBA.

Book a Tuesday time below.

If Tuesdays don’t work for you, please email Elle – hello@heymerci.co and we’ll work out another time.

Private Coaching with Elle

Elle’s coaching business is called Life Creation Co because she understands that we create our own reality through the lens of our childhood conditioning and experiences, our beliefs, values and thoughts and the modelling we get from the outside world. Our responses to all those things create our current reality. As Dr Joe Dispenza says, ‘If you want to change your personal reality, you need to change your personality.’

Elle designs your coaching package around your needs. You will have a choice of in person or online sessions or a mix of the two. 

The initial session will include a deep dive into your personal history so that Elle can get to know you better and then tailor a package that will help you achieve the outcomes you desire.

Elle’s qualifications in advanced Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Hypnotherapy coupled with LOADS of lived experience, gives her coaching depth, relatability and empathy. Elle helps her clients heal and build self- awareness resulting in them feeling more empowered, joyful and confident.

The initial Deep Dive session is available in person and online and runs for 4 hours with an interval of 30 mins.

This session is designed to garner all the information required to create your tailormade coaching package. It will be a valuable exercise regardless of what you do next. 

You will receive a personal session overview which will include Elle’s recommendations for your next steps.

The first step is to book a FREE 30 minute call with Elle.

It’s called Are We a Match because it’s important that we gel 😄

If we like each other, we can make a time for the Deep Dive Session.

Deep Dive Investment $750

If you decide to keep working with Elle, you can purchase blocks of 2 x 90 minute sessions* for $580 per block.

*minimum requirement after the Deep Dive session.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Book your Are We a Match chat first below.

Let’s get to know each other a little.